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7 Day Digital Timer

7 Day Digital Timer

SKU: TDDGT Category:
Using your geyser only when you need it can save an incredible amount of electricity. This is because if you geyser is on all the time, at 2 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon, it's keeping the water hot when you dont really need it. Especially in winter.
A geyser needs a good hour to heat up when cold, and needs to be shut off before the hotwater is used as it will switch on while you are bathing or showering, which essentially is a waste.
For Convienience a geyser timer is great.
Choose the one with a batteryt back up of 12 hours, so it keeps your setting in power failures or outages.

TDDGT 7 Day Digital Geyser Timer
• 220 – 240V AC (50 – 60 Hz)
• Max 20A (3500 Watts) – Resistive load (Geysers,
underfloor heating, lights)
• Max 10A – Inductive load (Pool pump, aircon)
• Din Rail Mounting
• 15 Day Backup Battery
• Day/Weekly 16 Programmable Settings
• LCD Displays Real
Time Hour/Minute
• IEC 60730 Rated


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